Politics is Bad For Your Health

Politics is Bad For Your Health

This is obviously not a political website but it does concern itself with mental well-being.  I’m concerned about the increased number of people consumed with politics.  Hate and fear now have a larger place in their lives than before.  These emotions have...
Killer Coffee?

Killer Coffee?

There seems to be some confusion regarding the safety of coffee.   The confusion is because epidemiological studies have been inconclusive.  The coffee itself contains numerous compounds and has more than one effect on the human body so teasing out what is causing...
Nutrigenomics Part 2 – Genetics

Nutrigenomics Part 2 – Genetics

I am always amazed how much people underestimate their ability to understand science.  This is partly due to established scientists speaking in their own “science – speak.”   One of the best teachers in history was a man named Michel Thomas who was a...
Introduction to Nutrigenomics – Part 1

Introduction to Nutrigenomics – Part 1

This is the first post of what will be a series of articles on nutrigenomics.  Nutrigenomics is how nutrients in the food you eat or the supplements you take interact with your genome, your genetic makeup.   It goes beyond just one input yielding one output.   We will...