Politics is Bad For Your Health

Politics is Bad For Your Health

This is obviously not a political website but it does concern itself with mental well-being.  I’m concerned about the increased number of people consumed with politics.  Hate and fear now have a larger place in their lives than before.  These emotions have...
How Dangerous is Recreational Marijuana?

How Dangerous is Recreational Marijuana?

Very. Why? One of the main reasons is the predominant cultural opinion that says its safe.  It is hammered into our heads by the cultural myth makers in the media.   And if you think I am for more restrictions, I am a libertarian that thinks it should be legal!! Lets...
Up and Down

Up and Down

Our world is characterized by cycles.   Everything in it.   In addition to a beginning and end, there are periods of increase and decrease.  Everything in the material universe has these 2 characteristics – 1.  a beginning and an end 2. periods of increase and...