by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Feb 18, 2018 | Featured
In our Weight Loss Awakening Group on Facebook, we recently received a couple of questions about resistant starch. You’ve probably read about resistant starch on health or fitness websites or magazines. It’s actually been touted as a weight loss super food. You might...
by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Feb 18, 2018 | Featured
In the The Surprising Reason Why You’re Gaining Weight in Your 40s, I explained how our genes naturally make us pack on the pounds by slowing down our metabolic rate as we age. As we get older, we see a decrease in calorie-burning muscle and an increase in fat, which...
by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Feb 18, 2018 | Featured
You haven’t been eating a lot and your activity level has pretty much remained the same, but you still find yourself gaining weight in your 40s. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Beginning in their 40s, most men and women find themselves gaining extra pounds and finding...
by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Jan 10, 2018 | Featured
The beginning of the year is the time when a lot of us make New Year’s resolutions. Do you know the top two resolutions for 2017? It was losing weight/healthier eating and life/self-improvements, Statistic Brain reveals. The problem is 80% of the resolutions fail by...
by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Dec 12, 2017 | Featured, Weight Loss Awakening
In our Weight Loss Awakening Friendship Group on Facebook, I recently received a comment that a lot of us can relate to. Angela on Facebook said, “One of my issues is thinking that the more I eat, then I’m going to gain weight, so I don’t eat that...
by Dr. Jonathan Carp | Dec 4, 2017 | Featured, Nutrition
The belief that food is the enemy is a false belief that a lot of us hold on to. How many times have you thought that food is the enemy when you watch cooking shows when you see your friends out eating when everybody around you seems to be enjoying food, and you’re...